Detecting Disease and Infection from Home
for Dogs and Cats Just Got Easier!

Same Veterinarian-Trusted Tests Performed in Veterinary Labs

Urine and Fecal Test Kits
Now Available Nationwide

Home Urine Tests can identify hidden dog & cat diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes, liver disease, & bladder infections.

Home Fecal Tests detect parasites that can infect pets & people, infections, blood, & more.

As simple as:
1) Select, 2) Collect, 3) Send!

Your test collection kit contains everything you need! No hidden fees! Results sent to you!

Our Most Popular Cat Collection Kits

all prices include shipping, results, and test materials
(expedited shipping available)

Our Most Popular Dog Collection Kits

Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
basic fecal test- dog
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs
basic fecal test- dog
Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs

Basic Fecal Diagnostic Test For Dogs

Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Easy Home Kit Affordable Pet Labs Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs
Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs

Total Fecal Tests Plus Giardia For Dogs

Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
complete urinalysis with microscopic evaluation - dog
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs
complete urinalysis with microscopic evaluation - dog
Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs

Complete Urinalysis with Microscopic Evaluation For Dogs

Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Easy Home Kit: Affordable Pet Labs Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs
Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs

Total Kidney Disease plus UPC Diagnostic Test For Dogs


What Urine Can Tell You about
Your Pet's Health

Our Complete Urinalysis is a useful screening or monitoring tool for:

 - Kidney disease
 - Urinary tract or bladder infections (UTI)
 - Diabetes and urine sugar (glucose)
 - Liver disease
 - Urinary crystals
 - Bladder cancers (i.e. transitional cell carcinoma)

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects up to 80% of older cats and 10% of senior dogs. Early recognition allows early intervention through simple diet changes, leading to better outcomes.

Cats and dogs over age 7 should have a complete urinalysis yearly along with blood tests to detect diseases as early as possible.

Our complete urinalysis with microscopic evaluation includes:

 - Urine color, odor, turbidity
 - Urine pH
 - Urine specific gravity (USG or USpG)
 - Protein
 - Glucose
 - Ketones
 - Blood
 - Cells - erythrocytes (RBCs), leukocytes (WBCs), epithelial cells
 - Urine casts or crystals
 - Bacteria, organisms, or infectious agents
 - Microscopic examination of urine sample by Laboratory Technician or Board-certified Veterinary Pathologist

Urinalysis on Dog and Cat: A Review (October 2020)

What Fecal Tests Can Tell You about Your Pet's Health

Our Total Fecal Tests plus Giardia includes:

 - Intestinal Parasite and Ova Detection by Centrifugal Floatation
 - Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, Tapeworms, and other helminths
 - Coccidia, Tritrichomonas foetus, and other Protozoa
 - Giardia by ELISA test method
 - All samples microscopically reviewed by laboratory technician

Hookworms, roundworms, and Giardia can infect people, so regular testing of your pet’s feces every 6 to 12 months and monthly deworming is recommended.

We use the most accurate and recommended intestinal parasite test method, centrifugal flotation technique, for all assessments. This technique is the preferred procedure for uncovering hidden intestinal parasites and ova (eggs) in your pet’s feces.

Our Total Fecal Tests plus Giardia includes a cutting-edge ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or coproantigen) to detect Giardia infection.

In addition, this fecal test panel includes a microscopic review by a laboratory expert.   

Intestinal parasites infect approximately 40% of all dogs and 30% of cats under 1 year of age and 11% of all dogs and cats 1 to 13.1 2 

According to data compiled by the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC), nearly 1.4 million dogs and cats tested positive for at least one intestinal parasite in 2020.3 

1 - March 2021 Parasites & Vectors
2 - September 2020 Parasites & Vectors
3 - Companion Animal Parasite Council

Collecting your pet's poop or pee sample is easy!
Your sample kit contains everything you need. No hidden fees.
Here are some of our vet's top tips for sample collection:

Fecal Collection Tips

As soon as your Fecal Test Collection Kit arrives, freeze the included ice pack for shipping. To keep your pet's fecal sample fresh and provide accurate test results, be sure to ship it with the frozen ice pack included in your kit. Freeze the pack flat to aid in shipping.

1. Poop

Fresh feces is best, so wait until your doggo goes or kitty uses the litter box and then pounce!

For multi-cat households:
Make sure the litter box is cleaned prior to collecting a sample. Some cat parents prefer to isolate their kitty in a bathroom with its own litter box until it poops. Others keep the litter cleaned and carefully watch until the cat they need a sample from has used the litter box. There’s no perfect way to collect a stool sample in a multi-cat household, just be sure you have the right cat’s poop!

2. Scoop

We recommend wearing the provided medical gloves whenever handling your pet’s poop sample. Remove the sample spoon from the collection vial, and scoop about one gram of stool (about the size of a grape or sugar cube).

Try to avoid getting too much litter or debris in the sample vial, although a small amount is expected. Use the collection scoop to place the fecal sample in the vial and secure tightly.

3. Send

Place the vial in the sample bag and seal. Refrigerate the bagged sample until you are ready to send.

Be sure to mail your samples within 4 to 12 hours of collection for most accurate test results.

To send, simply insert the vial and bag inside the protective bubble wrap mailer. Next, place the double-wrapped sample along with the frozen ice pack into the pre-labeled return mailer. Finally, drop off at your nearest UPS.

Once the lab receives your pet’s sample, you’ll receive test results within two to three days.

Click below for more detailed instructions

How to collect and send your cat's fecal sample
How to collect and send your dog's fecal sample

Urine Collection Tips

1. Pee

Fresh urine is important for accurate results, so we recommend collecting your dog's first urination in the morning.

For cats, you may find that confining your cat in a bathroom with the kit's special non-absorbent litter until it urinates work well. Keep in mind you only need a small amount of test litter in the box, barely enough to cover the bottom. Most cats will urinate using only a tiny volume of litter and it helps keep the urine sample as clean as possible. 

For multi-cat households: Make sure the litter box is cleaned prior to collecting a sample. Some cat parents prefer to isolate their kitty in a bathroom with its own litter box until it urinates. Others keep the litter cleaned and carefully watch until the cat they need a sample from has used the litter box. There’s no perfect way to collect a sample in a multi-cat household, just be sure you have the right cat’s pee!

For dogs, try to collect a fresh sample the morning you plan to mail your test kit.

For most accurate test results, obtain samples 1 to 4 hours before mailing. 

2. Collect

We recommend wearing medical gloves whenever handling your pet’s urine sample.

For cats: Using a spoon, scoop, or simply pour about 1/2 to 2 ounces of urine into a plastic bag or container you can seal. Try to avoid getting too much litter or debris in the sample, although a small amount is expected.

For dogs: Use a ladle, cup, bowl, or any clean container to catch about 1/2 to 2 ounces of fresh urine. 

3. Store

Keep the sample upright in the bag or container and seal. Refrigerate the sample until mailing if possible. That's it!

Click below for more detailed instructions

How to collect and send your cat's urine sample
How to collect and send your dog's urine sample

Questions about Home Fecal or Urine Testing?
Let Us Know How we Can Help!